Fuzums Carlie Fuzums This is my monster Fuzums. She is a female and she does not have any diseases. Fuzums just forgets a lot and is very clumsy. She sounds like one of my friends. But when she has her pink roller skates on she is very fast and graceful. Fuzums minimum speed on her skates is 120 km per hour. Sometimes, she goes so fast, you can't see her. When she is on her pink roller skates she does not forget or does not fall and is not clumsy. Parents are scared to let their children out of the house when they see Fuzums coming. Fuzums has a round brown head like an apple; it is 6 cm across and 8 mm long. She has ears that are like half donuts on top of her head. On her forehead she has a pink V. Outline it with a pink felt and then color inside with a rose pink pencil crayon. Add eyebrows. They are mainly straight with a little curve to the right. Color them brown with fine tipped felt. The eyes they should look like half a sun. Put another half a sun inside the first sun, but make it smaller. Color the second half of the sun black; that is her pupil. Fuzums has 2 eyes so follow the steps twice. The "white" behind each pupil should be colored baby blue. Fuzums has three lashes on each eye. The lashes should be curved to the right [Fuzums right that is.] The lashes should be colored with brown felt. Then add a mouth that is 2-mm long and 2 mm wide. It can be drawn like an upside down v or a handwriting L. The tongue is drawn underneath. It is hanging form the bottom/inside of the mouth. Color it with brown felt. Then add 5 brown freckles, on each side, close to the mouth. Then add 1-cm long whiskers, three on each side. Then move to the body. Her neck is 5-mm long. Fuzums has a monkey like body. Her body is 11 cm in length and 3-cm wide. At the end of the neck the arms begin. They are 5 cm long including the hands and 0.5 cm wide. Her arms hang down. She has 4 fingers on the right and left hand. Fuzums has a pink finger on her pointer finger Add a burn brown tail on the right side of her body. Her tail is 6-cm long The tip of her tail is black. After the tail add legs. Her legs are 2cm long and 1cm wide. She is wearing pink roller skates, which face her left. Do not draw feet because her feet are in the roller skates and you can't see them. Her feet are pointing right that is her right. Her legs are 2 cm long and 1cm wide, they are burn brown. Out line with a brown felt and then add pink roller skates. They look like shoes with four black wheels they do not have anything like laces or buckles. The pink roller skates are 2 cm wide at the top and 1 cm wide t the bottom. The black wheels are 4-mm wide on each roller skate. That's my monster. I suggest Watching out for her as she accidentally trips people while she is going by. I suggest you keep to the side because you might not be able to see her because she is going so fast! That's Fuzums, I hope you had fun drawing her. By Carlie