E.T. (The Evil Teddy Bear) Pasha ' Draw a football with round edges that is about 1' inches long and 1 inch high ' Color it blue and draw to semi circles as ears on the sides that are also blue ' Draw a tiny circle in the middle of the head and color it green ' Draw to small green circle that are equally apart from the nose and a little higher ' On the top of the head, parallel to the eyes, draw 2 pink antennae that are ' of a inch tall and bend down a half of a centimeter ' Draw to little balls on the bottom of the curve of the antennae ' Under the nose, draw 5 triangles that are attached to a rectangle. They are all brown ' Draw a big green circle that is about 2 by 2 inches big as the body ' Draw a pink circle that is ' by ' inches in the middle of the green circle ' For arms, draw a dark blue square that is attached to the body and draw 3 little circles attached to the squares as paws. There are 2 arms, one on each side ' Draw 3 circles that are attached on the bottom of the circle for feet. He has two feet, one on each side of the bottom of the circle ' He is standing on a green line that goes across the page ' About 2 inches away from E.T., draw a flower with two leaves, one on each side ' Draw five petels which are pink circles ' The stem and leaves are green