Fluffis Yael Schonzeit 1. My monsters head is in the shape of a cloud, and is light pink. 2. His ears are two orange circles 3. On the side of his ears there are green ovals with two brown fangs coming out of each oval. 4. His nose is a blue circle with a purple circle inside, and inside of the purple circle is a tiny orange box with a black dot inside. 5. His mouth a purple long oval with a brown rectangle inside, and another purple rectangle inside that. 6. On his nose there are whiskers. His whiskers are brown and curled and when they both curl they look like hearts (there on both sides of his nose) 7. Inside the heart whiskers is white NOT light pink. 8. For his eyes he has half of the top of a circle, and as the eyeball on his left eye he has the outline a green box with three green dots inside, and a purple triangle inside too. 9. His right eye is the same half of a circle, and same color, but as an eyeball he has a dark green square with three green dots and a purple circle. 10. His body is kind of like a human body but very bumpy with his arms out stretched and not having a two legs but rather like he is wearing a dress. 11. On his neck he has a big eye that the pupil is a bluish green color, and the part that is white for a human in the eye is black. 12. About one inch below the eye there is a trapezoid, that the two sides are purple the middle is pink and in the middle of the middle there is the same color purple circle. 13. On his left arm with no fingers there is a light blue or grayish color square, and on his right arm with no fingers there is a pink square. 14. About one inch under the trapezoid there are six lines. 15. The one all the way on the left is green and right next to it is a blue one, they are both slanted to the left a little. In the middle standing up straight on the left is a red line and next to it on the right standing up straight is a green one. Slanted to the right and a little higher then the pair slanted to the left are tow lines also. The one on the right is red and the one on the left is blue. 16. He is standing on two sets of black blocks that are white inside. 17. The first sets of blocks are only five, but the second are eight. 18. My monsters name is Fluffis.