Chachi Lisa Step 1: My monsters name is chachi Step 2: draw a diamond shape face but do not close the bottom of it Step 3: color it in with orange Step 4: on the open part of the face draw a thin long beard coming out of the open part Step 5: connect it to the face with a triangle coming up and very close to nose Step 6: color it in with aqua blue and red stripes going diagonal Step 7: in the face make to eyes in brown, which look like tiny puffy marshmallows Step 8: for the nose draw a horseshoe shape in dark blue Step 9: Draw triangles on each side of the face but in the face connected to the edge of the face too Step 10: make the triangle on your left dark green with a light pink out line and on the other side do the opposite, pink in the inside and outlined in green Step 11: connected to the other side of the edge of the face where the triangle is, make circles connected to the edge the size of two almonds put together Step 12: make it a greenish turquoise as the outline and striped with purple Step 13: make a line coming out of the head with a big up side down triangle outlined in dark blue and colored in dark blue but right before the edged is aqua blue Step 14: make to yellow spirals connected to the line the triangle is on Step 15: make the body connected to the end of the beard Step 16: the arms are very long and fat and the body is very long and skinny Step 17: make body red but colored in lightly and the edges and out line it with lavender Step 18: on your right make a tubular long shape coming out of it in yellow and out lined in black Step 19: on your left put and bubbly shape that is long and wide coming out of the shoulder in pink outlined in black but the pink should be spray painted not just filled in Step 20: at the end of the body put a big green shape coming out of both sides that is like two humongous clown shows but they flow up words in light green but outlined in dark green Att: all outlining should be thick not thin