Sand the Monster Abel 1. Draw a round head. 2. Draw a big round body below the head. 3. Draw two snake eyes in the middle of the head. 4. Draw a smiling mouth with sharp teeth in it on the head. 5. Draw two wiggly and skinny arms on the left side of the body and two more wiggle and skinny arms on the right side of the body. Draw small hands at the end of each arm. 6. Draw to antennas on the top of the head that look like candy canes. Color them red. 7. Draw two wiggly and skinny legs below the body and color them yellow. 8. Draw shoes at the end of each leg. 9. Draw 17 vertical lines on the head. 10. Draw 11 vertical lines across the body. 11. Color the top left arm light green. Color the bottom left arm red. 12. Color the top right arm dark green. Color the bottom left arm purple. 13. Color the stripes on the head as follows: 1st six stripes are green, next 3 stripes are red, next 3 stripes are pink, next 2 stripes are green, next 2 stripes are blue, and last two stripes are red. 14. Color the stripes on the body as follows: 1st stripes is blue, then purple, then aqua, then orange, then black, then green, then orange