Crazy DuDe Julianna Crazy DuDe has freshly mowed silky staight grass green hair and spikey circle magenta ears. His arms are rectangles and they are light green. His head is a big dark purple square with a mouth that is light pink circle. His eyes are circle and red like a blast of red fire. His neck is a baby blue diamond. He loves his triangle pink and purple toenails and he loves his beautiful triangle sun yellow fingernails. His legs are rectangles and turquoise and his teeth are triangles and are gold. His nose is tan. He lives in a gray rounded ice cave in Alaska. He only eats ice cubes. His friends are Ice Block and the Polar Bear family. Crazy DuDe likes to go ice skating if it's cold enough. Sometimes Crazy DuDe has snowball fights too. When Crazy DuDe goes to bed he wishes on a star. In the morning his wish comes true.