Screwy Nicholas SCREWY 1. Draw a half a circle, but at the bottom put six pointed edges that will be the head. 2. In the middle of the circle draw connected M's that will be the mouth. 3. 2cm from the top of the mouth draw a triangle that will be the eyes make sure they are 1half cm apart. 4. On both sides of the body draw vertical connected V's that connect to the head make sure to draw the body 8 and a half cm, when you have drawn the 8 and a half cm connect the both sides of the body with a half circle make sure the sides of the body are 4cm apart. 5. For the legs do the same in step 4 except for the both sides of the legs make them 1cm apart and 4cm long (there will be no hair and no arms) Colors 6. In the middle of the eyes put a black little triangle in both of them. 7. For the mouth color it green. 8. For the head color it purple don't color over the eyes and mouth go around them. 9. Color the body orange. 10. Color the legs yellow.