roselime camila The hair: Her hair is orange with red outline, it is in the shape of flames it is fairly short and sttraight on the head. The antenie: She has 2 squiggly antenie coming out oh her hair. The antenie are green-blue and they have little dotsat the top. The face: Her face is light green ( or lime green) and it is shaped like a normal persons head. The ears: The ears are like elf ears, they are light red and outlined in orange. The eyes: She has normal size eyes, shaped like gravestones.They are outlined in black pen. Her pupils are red and shaped like rain drops. The cheeks: She has pink round cheeks. The nose: The nose is just a line. The mouth: The mouth is round and there are two fangs comming out of it. The body: She has a magenta colourd long sleeve shirt. She has two patches on her shirt, one is at the top left and the other is at the bottom right. She has a navy blue mini skirt on. The wings: She has big yellow wings that come out of each side of her body. They look like flames. The legs: Her legs are lime green and very slimy, it looks like a skirt with a squigly line in the middle and two big green feet, comming out of it the feet do not have any toes. The hands: She has 2 slimy lime green hands. Her left hand has six fingers and har right hand has five fingers. Each finger has a pointy, black claws.