veggie tale baby Nashae My monster has a green oval shaped body, which includes a head about 5 1/2 inches long and about 4 inches wide.Then draw two eyes kind of stuck togethertwo inches from the side of his head and 1 inch from the top.The eyes are oval about 1 inch wide and 1 inch long.Make sure that you have 1 purple oval shaped pupil in each eye. Now draw a long oval shaped nose connected to the eyes at the bottom ( also green), but this time do not draw the top of the oval. Now draw two small nostrils at the bottom of the nose in the shape of upside down smiles. Now drw a very small smile slanted on the left side of his face.tahen add blue triangle shapeed hair connected to the head without the bottoms drawn on the outside of the oval. then draw two small hands and two small shoes both forest green .And then take a step back take a good look and you should have my monster.