Double Trouble Nachel It has two heads but they're on different shoulders.It has two bodys 4legs, 2 arms and another arm that connects the two bodys.The two heads have a jokers hat on that are different colors. The joker on the left's name is double. His favorite color is green. His shirt is green, blue and gold all mixed together.At the ends of his sleeves, the bottom of his shirt and the neck of his shirtis some ripped green cloth that was sewn there. He has brown pants and green shoes with a blue ball at the tip. he has a human face but a evil smile and sharp teeth and his ears are like elf. The other one's name is trouble+ and he's the same as double but the ripped cloth is blue on the sleeves bottom of the shirt and neck of his shirt.His shirt is the same as double and his shoes areblue with a green ball at the tip. Hope yah have fun!!!!!!!