Hero Saralynn The monster has a u shaped face. On top of his headkind of off to the sides are two ears kind of like Shrek's. He has 3 eyes, 2 on bottom and 1 on top forming a pyramid.He has a round nose. His mouth is a straight line with 2 upsidedown triangles on the bottom of it. He has a bunch of little longitude lines on his head from ear 2 ear forming his hair. His eyebrows make him look as if he is mad by coming down in the center over his nose.His neck comes down and are attached to his chest and shoulders just like a human body. His arms are kind of muscular and are hanging down to his sides. He has four abs in the center of his stomach. He has purple shorts on with a tear in the laft leg. His claws are apart a little and he has claws on his toes. He has three fingers on each hand and a claw on the end of each finger. He is Standing on Mars' red surface. There is a crater on his left. There is Saturn colored orange with a yellow ring around it in the background.