Tree Bayan Tree has a circle shape for a head. It has two mouths, one on each of his cheeks. It has three eyes, one on it's forehead, and the other two where humans have their eyes. It's nose is a small circle on the middle of it's face. His hairs are small little squiggles, with a small circle on the end of each squiggle. He has a trunk-like body. It has four arms, two on each side of his body. They are squiggly arms with a cloud-like hand on each of his arms. Tree's face is light green. Both of his mouths are dark orange. The eye on his forehead is pink, and it's other two eyes are purple. His nose is blue. It's squiggly hairs are orange, and the balls on the tip of each squiggly hair is blue. His trunk-like body is turquise. Each of it's four arms are purple. The cloud-like hands are pink.