Crazybox Meghan My Monster My monsters name is Crazybox.Crazybox has a blue boxed shaped head with one triangular yellow nose, two black squared eyes,an open smiley orange mouth with red triangle teeth. On my monsters right there is a tooth on the corner of his mouth pointing up and at the other corner it is pointing down and in the middle there are two teeth one pointing up the other down. There are five antenna two on each side going out diagonal and one in the middle. The antenna are black lines with orange circles at the end. Orange squiggly lines are between each antennas. The hair is like clown hair, but orange with a blue outline. Crazybox has a round body,light green with red vertical tiny dashes, two dark green vertical lines on each side of my monsters body and on the bottom of his body there is two horizontal green lines parallel from each other and orange fills in the space.My monster has thin red legs and feet. I hope you enjoy the challenge of trying to recreate my monster!