Brownie Connor My monster is a round fuzzball about the size of a tennis ball. It is brown. It has three eyes that are oval shaped and are about the size of a marble. The inside of the eyes are red veins. Coming out of the bottom of the eye is a gray thick X. Coming out of the bottom of the X are some sharp fangs about the size of nails. Underneath the top of the mouth is a thing that looks like the letter U with fangs on top. The bottom of the mouth is red inside. The two ears are green and pointy. His left arm is green and his right arm is blue. They are about the size of an eraser. At the end of the arms are claws about the size of a nail. The legs are about the size of a penny and are the color orange. His feet look like Ronald McDonald shoes and they are orange. Coming out of the shoes are six sharp claws. That is my monster!