Poogle Perry Poogle is about two inches tall in real life. His torso is an orange circle, with a blue semi-thick ring that wraps around his base and is twisted like the rim of a cowboy hat. Where there would usually be empty space, in the ring tht goes around his torso, the space is yellow. The legs come out of the blue ring tht goes around the torso. The legs are semi-thick and they go vertically up from the upper part of the ring, for a little bit, then away from the body for the same length and then down horizontally and split apart into two blue horizontal rectangles at the bottom of each split part. The legs are green. The neck is about one centimeter long, and comes out just below the top of the torso and at the top curves out to make a circle, with another circle inside of it. Inside of t he inside circle, in the middle, is an orange trapezoid eye with tow small brown circles underneath the eye, which are nostrils. The neck is purple with a thick horizontal orange stripe in the center of it. Draw a smiley face mouth inbetween the bottom of the two outer circles, for this is the mouth, and color it green. The space between the two outer circles is purple. When you are done drawing, hopefully, you will have seen the monster tht is named Poogle, just the way I have seen it.