Miss Heart Samantha Weeks 1) Make a peach colored circle for the head. 2) For the eyes make a two green stars, not right next to each other. 3) Put a little purple circle in the middle of each star. 4) For the nose make a red circle. 5) Make a blue banana shaped mouth, make it skinny. 6) Make a pink triangular shaped dress with the point of the triangle on top. 7) Put a smiley face in the middle of the dress and color the eyes black and the mouth black for the smiley face. 8) Make two rectangular green arms, at each end of the arms make a red heart. 9)For the tail make a purple squiggle line and at the end of the tail make an orange heart. 10)For the socks make an orange rectangle, for the other one make a pink rectangle. 11)For the shoes make a pink one for the orange sock and for the pink sock make an orange shoe. 12)Make starlike brown hair.