Goop Joey M. One night there was a monster in my bedroom.He was standing there because he wanted to sleep. He had blue spikey hair. He had two black sharp horns on the top of his head on each side of his hair. He has two blue ears on the side of his half circle flat top head. His mouth is a red smiley mouth with no teeth. His shirt is red with a skeleton on it.The body of his shirt is red and square. His arms are long skinny red rectangles. He has 5 white fingers on the ends of his arms. His legs are long and thin like a 2x4 board. They are tan. Across the top of his legs is a black skinny metal bar with an arrow on both ends.In the middle of the bar is a black square lock. His feet are circles with black circles in them. Around the black circles there are tan circles. Now he is gone.