Mahali-LaFranc� Evan M. I first saw the monster when I was in bed. I looked up and there it was. Its name was Mahali-LaFrance`. So, I hid under my covers, but he took them off and said 'Hi!' 'Hi,' I said back to him. 'I'm Mahali-LaFrance`, but you can call me Mike.' He was very big. His small head was green, with four yellow antennae on top. He had four eyes that go in a row on the top of his head, a sharp, pointed nose that is in the middle of his head, and sharp teeth that go on the bottom of his head. His large circular body was green with yellow spots- twelve of them to be exact! He had two arms and hands, with three claws on each. Mike had two legs and feet, with three claws too. He was very kind and generous. Then we became friends forever.