Wheelhead Trevor O. Can you draw my monster? Be sure to read all my directions first but don't draw it. Good luck! Are you ready to draw my monster? First write N for north at the top of the page, S for south at the botton, W for west on the left side and E for east on the right side. My monster has a face that looks like a soccer ball, it's below north. His face is white and his ears are circles that are blue. He has one eye that is is red and a triangle for a nose that's green. His mouth is a dotted line which is black. He has a skinny neck which red and a green triangle body. He has human arms and hands and both are green. His left arm is yellow and his right arm is blue. There's a pole attached to the bottom of his body to the middle of a wheel and his wheel is gray. Were you able to draw my monster? Reread my directions again. Then compare the original one with your drawing.