Evil Snail- Pail Shannon S. Meet my monster Evil Snail- pail. Evil Snail-pail is part snail, unicorn, dog, granny and conveyor belt. The eyes, the body, and the shell are snail. The tail is like a unicorn. The hat is something a granny would wear. The legs are a conveyor belt, and the paws look like a dog. Evil Snail- pail is black, green, brown, blue, tan, orange and purple. His paws are tan his conveyor belt legs are green. His eyes stand on green poles and are black. His body is light green it is green with brown diagonal lines. On top of his body is his shell. It is orange with green lines going straight down. His tail has three layers the top is green, the middle is tan, and the bottom is purple. His granny is half brown and half blue. Evil Snail - Pail is very mean. He eats anything he sees. For fun he steals from other monsters. So remember to check your garden Evil Snail- Pail!