N Man Anna My monrter is gold. gray,jade green,and slate blue. It's head is a circle and is 1 inch long, and one and 1 quter inch wide. It has one eye 1centemeter out from the left side, it's is one cetemeter wide. It's nose is in the middle of the head and looks human. It also has a gold mouth1\2 an inch from the bottem with two blue fangs.On the back of his head he has eight silver spikes of hair with a little gold in them, also he has 1 gold spike on each side of the eight gray. On the bottem of the head draw a half of a inch green neck. it's body looks ike a big lowercase N that is 4 and a half inches wide and two and a halfinches long. He has a 3\4of an inch green stripe then a gray stripe the same lagth but a bumpy bottem. Now half of an inch green stripe and a gray stripe the same way. Now on the left only make 1\4 a of a inch green stripe.now draw a very skiny blue stripe in front of the legs. Very last draw the arms they are two and a half inches long and half an inch wide. They look human exept for the color. First draw half an inch blue stripe than an inch green stripe them a half an inch gray stripe finnaly gold fingers.