Famous Ariane K. I know a very peculiar monster that absolutely nobody knows about. In fact they are my friends. You're probably wondering what my monsters name is and all those other facts. So if you really want to know I advise you to keep on reading. This monster's name is Famous because he is a drama star and is in movies for the monster club. This weird monster lives in any part of Africa so you won't see him or others of his kind much unless one of them is traveling to make another movie. If you look hard you will be able to find them in big tree trunks. Not too unusual because of what my monsters eat. They only eat bug eggs and bark off the trees. O.K now to the big part of what my monster looks like. The Monster Famous has a human shaped body but a couple things added on. This monster has two arms on each side and three fingers at the end of each hand. For legs he has two legs like a human and two feet on the end of leg. His feet stick straight out to the side with four toes, his big toe being extra big. This monster wears human cloths and has a body as blue as a blueberry. He wears a red and orange stripped short sleeved shirt and black and green stripped shorts. He doesn't wear anything else so they can tell who's who from other monsters. The monster famous has an oval shaped head with one big oval shaped eye at the top of his face. He has green lips always in a smile and a nose in the shape of a smaller smile. The monster's hair is well sort of weird. Its purple goes from the top of his head in width to his mouth and sticks straight out in sort of a wiggly shape being flat on the top and as wide as his elbows when his arms are stretched straight out. Any monster famous is as small as a mouse I can guarantee you that. As far as monsters go this monster has a great behavior. Know they are very nice and help others of their own species. If you are a very nice and caring person you might be able to find a famous. This monster is afraid of other monsters and me