Opshape Shannon Meet Opshape and how he is made. First you make a triangle in the middle of your paper and color it red. Inside of your triangle at the top of it, make a small triangle and write GO to the side of it and color it green. Below it make a square and next to it SLOW and color it red. Below it do a rectangle and next to it write STOP and color it pink. Below that write a rhombus and color the red-orange and next to it write LEFT. Below it do a trapezoid and color it purple. Next to it write RIGHT. At the top of the triangle make a square for a neck and color it green. Above that draw a circle. Inside the circle write two diamonds as eyes. Below that, long side up, write a rectangle. Then color the eyes pink and color the rectangle green. Below it write a smile. For the hair write seven little squiggly lines with a ball at the top and color them orange and make spaces between them. Between the little lines make long pink squiggly lines with balls at the top. On the big triangle in the middle write a squiggly line at the top. On the right of the triangle, make four oval shapes for the fingers. On the bottom of the triangle make a squiggly lines on the bottom of the triangle on the left. Make four oval shapes for hands. For the feet, you make three balls stacked together in a line, and make a trapezoid on the bottom of the balls. Make a space and on the right draw three small balls. On the bottom of that, make a trapezoid. Color both of the trapezoids teal, and color the balls pink. I hope you like my monster