Robotrot Ryan Do you want to know how to draw a monster? If so, read this and find out how to draw a Robotrot. First draw a triangle. The triangle will be for the head. Draw a rectangle going left to right for the mouth. After you draw the mouth, draw two lines going left to right for the eyes. Color the mouth purple, the head yellow, and keep the eyes how they are. Draw two lines at the bottom of your head for the neck. They should be in the middle. After you draw the neck, draw a rectangle going up and down for your stomach. When you're done drawing the stomach, draw a rectangle on each side of your stomach going southwest for the right arm and southeast for your left arm. Color your neck, your stomach, and your arms all blue. Draw two circles. One on each of your arms for your hands. After that's done, draw an upside down triangle from the stomach. Color this triangle red. On the point of the triangle, draw a line about an inch long. Next draw a line going from each top corner until it's even with the line you drew in the middle. Draw a line on the bottom to connect the spaces of the three lines you drew so you have legs. Color the legs green. Finally draw two rectangles going southwest for the feet. Color the feet gray. That's how to draw my monster, Robotrot.