Twotoe Richa K. Let me introduce to you the best monster in the world. His name is Twotoe. There are really two things that make him special. They are his appearance and his personality. Lets start with his appearance. I'll begin with his weird, green semicircle head. He has two big, black diamond eyes. This is the reason for his spectacular sight. His nose is a purple colored circle. He can't smell too well. He really doesn't need to because he doesn't need to smell his food. He is a strict vegan. His mouth is a yellow diamond with a black horizontal line through it. This helps him tear his vegetables. He has a few purple wrinkle-like lines on his face. His ears are two triangles that are at the same place as human would have his or her ears at. He has just three strands of orange hair at the very top of his head Now for the body. It is a long vertical triangle that is divided in half. The upper half is red and the bottom half is blue. His arms are two brown horizontal lines on either side of his body. At the tips of each arm are five fingers. On both of the bottom corners are his two feet which are gray, upside down hearts that have brown circles as nails. I admit, he does have bad hygiene, but what can he do? He's a monster. Monsters have bad hygiene. Finally I can tell you about his personality. First, he is very friendly. He needs to perfect his eating manners but he is polite. He uses his two-toed feet to run really fast. This scares bugs and insects away. He is a really nice friend to have. He is nice to be around. He seems like one of us but again is a monster. So treat him the same way you want to be treated and be his sincere friend.