Chopa-Whoopa Jack C. Hi! I am running from a Chopa-Whoopa. They are dangerous. Boom! Bang! I will tell you about this Chopa-Whoopa so you know when to be on guard. First, it has a round head with wings coming from its sides. It has two long narrow eyes. It has a fuse on top of his head like a bomb. It has two oval feet from the bottom. Its head is colored purple. Its wings are gold. His feet are gold too. The top of the fuse is red the bottom half is gold. Second, it has eyes, wings, and feet, but no arms or legs. Third, he is a friendly person, but kills you if you are mean to him. He blows you up so high you see birds above the sky. His name is Chopa-Whoopa for no reason. Now you know . . . Boom! That he can be dangerous and friendly . . . boom! Be on the look out! Ahh! Boom Bang!