Ying Yang Cat Andrea A. Hello. Let me introduce my monster. Her name is Ying-Yang Cat. Don't be frightened about her features. Even though she has two arms, with three fingers on each side of her body, and her dress is attached to her arms she is not fierce. She has two legs with three toes on each one. That helps her jump high. Her whole body is orange, including her arms and legs. Do you want to see her twirl? You should, because the ying-yangs on her dress swirl around with pretty colors. The big white and black ying-yang stands out. The red and purple one on the left and the green and blue one on the right don't stand out as much because they are smaller. If you really stare at her you will notice the red polka dots on her face. Her face is a circle with two pointed ears. Inside her ears there are two small red triangles. Coming out from her ears are big purple spirals. Her two big, round, black eyes look as if they are always glaring. Her nose is a triangle with a line going down, and then there is a frown. She frowns because in her childhood she frowned a lot, and her face stayed that way. That does not mean she is mean. She is nice, and grants wishes to any one that shows caring to anyone else. Now that you know her features and her personality I hope you will learn to become good friends with Ying-Yang Cat.