Snake Man Shawn I will tell you about where he is from and his friends. He is from outer space, no one really knows exactly where. He protects his martian friends from evil. He eats these mutated things about 3in. long. His friends are Quoto, Moco, and Muwana. He is about eight feet tall and two feet wide. I will now tell you what he looks like. He has a human shaped body. When his legs connect to the body they get wider. He has fins by his ankle and his elbows. He has no toes. He has three fingers on each hand. His neck is thin, then his head gets wider than his neck. He is green with Snake Man written across his chest. There is a cape coming from his back. It is red with a blue circle and a snake in the middle. Last but not least he has these crack like things all over his body.