Retalice Amanda M. Have you ever read a book about a Retalice (Ra-tell-ice)? If you're like an ordinary person, you haven't seen a Retalice. That's becuase a Retalice is mostly found in a city alley at night. You can't see him at night because he's a dark color. If you haven't seen a monster like mine, you shall draw it, and then you can see it. First draw a large oval. Towards the top of the oval draw a medium circle. Now color the circle in yellow. After that draw a tiny black circle in the yellow circle. Color that black. Make two tiny triangles. Each triangle is towards the side of the oval. Color the triangles red. Down at the bottom of the oval draw a small, but not too small of a circle. Color it black. Draw a tongue that looks like ours, but with a black line down the middle of the tongue. Color the tongue red. Color the rest of the oval purple. At the bottom of the oval, draw two chicken-like legs with tree claws at the end. Make that light blue. For the arms, make the same things as the legs, but put them on them on the sides of the oval. On the top of the Retalice draw a large triangle for a hat. Color it orange. In the middle of that, draw a green little circle. Make two alien antennae on either side of the hat. Make them green. There you go! You have drawn it. If you ever see a Reatlice at night in a city alley you won't get creeped out. CONGRATULATIONS!