Scooter Scoo Bryan Have you ever met a Schooter scoo? Follow these directions so you know what one look like. Draw a 10 cm. oval head. Color it purple. Make two curved horns turned in on top of his head. Color them yellow. Make one eye 1 cm. from the horns in the middle. Color it silver. Put one circle in the eye. Color it blue. Put a smaller circle in that. Color it orange. Put a line on top of the eye for the eyebrow. Color it dark purple. Make the boddy egg shaped, standing up. Put a belt 1 cm. from Scooter Scoo's bottom. Color it orange. Give him crossed suspenders from his shoulders to his belt. Color them orange. Color the rest of the body purple. Draw an arm on each side of his body. Give him hands and claws at the end of each arm. Make the arms go up. Color the arms and hands purple. Color the claws yellow. Draw two legs on the bottom of the egg shaped body. On the end of each leg put a foot with wee little pointy toe nails. Color the legs and feet purple. Color the toe nails yellow. Now you know how to draw Scooter Scoo. You better find some garlic or he will eat you!