Donut Guy David I didn't mean to but I did.I looked. And as I did, his beady one pupil colorless two eyes gazed at me and I was stuck to the ground. I was so scared i couldn't move. It was Donut Guy! I had heard of him before.He is so cute it is scary! His body that looked like a donut with cute red blushed cheeks moved towards me. He moved into attack mode. His mouth turned red with sharp teeth on top and bottom of his mouth. His big elephant ears filled with ear wax. His Afro turned Christmas colored. Stray black hairs came out of it. His long brown legs with three toes rushed towards me. Donut Guy turned so ugly it took me out of my trance. I ran. He ran after me. But his hair caused so much wind resistance he couldn't catch me. I never forgot that day.And remember,if you ever sense him coming, scamper away as fast as you can!