Slime Spike Snail Andrew First of all, they're from Mars. Second they're super-intelligent. Third it's MEAN. It can change its shape at will. But it is usually a snail. My drawing is drawn from a side perspective of the snail's body. It is 3 and 3/4 inches long and 1 1/2 inches high. Its body is white. Its eyes are red and each are on eyestalks. Its shell is brown. Its shell also has 9 spikes. They are black spikes. It can spit acid. Below the eyes there are two detatched antennae. It can move with phsyic power. It has 2 eyes, 1 mouth, and 1 head and that's it. If it comes in contact with sulfur it explodes. The acid is deadly. When on Mars it hides in volcanoes. On Earth they hide in watery areas. I saw one in a river.Where do you think acid rain comes from? It spit acid at me. I used sulfur to destroy it. So are you afraid of them or not? super-intelligent.Third they are mean. It can shift shapes at will. Usually it's a snail. It is 3 and 3/4 inches long and 1/2 an inch high. Its body is white. Its eyes are red and on eyestalks.