Hugo Katherine Have you met Hugo? WHAT! You don't know who Hugo is? Why he's my pet monster of course! Since you don't know what he looks like, I'll describe him to you. Let's start with his head.It's a simple circle,that's two and a half inches in length and three inches in width. His eyes are parralellograms which are one centimeter wide. His eyes are red domes.His aqua green nose is one centimeter wide. It's in the shape of the top of a three-leaf clover. Each of the three leaf parts of his nose have one wart each.His smile is a line smile. Lining up in order from the left a large tooth 1cm long, one medium tooth,then the small tooth.On the right side do the same thing when you draw the teeth. On the sides of his head are horns,wich are about one inch big. On the teeth,where the gums meet the teeth,color it goldenrod.Erase the middle top of the head. Redraw it to look like a triangle on top of his head.Now draw vertical strands of orange hair there. On top of that vertical pink strands of hair. The rest of his circular head is blue. Now for his abdomen. His human -like shoulders go behind his head.Both of his arms are about four inches long. He has four 1cm long fingers for each hand.His human-like fingernails are goldenrod. Then his stomach is three inches long about two and a half inches wide.His goldenrod colored stomach is circular, with horizontal lines on it.This part stomach is like padding on his blue body. Let's go to Hugo's 6cm long by 3cm wide legs.They go behind his stomach.They are blue also.Now all we need is the finishing touch,his feet! They are both one and a half inches long.His toe nails are goldenrod also. Now I've told how he looks. Now, you can see and clearly understand that, he's not too scary, that's why he's my friend!