Ququars April Newsletter In real life Ququars are one centimeter tall and two centimeters across.Because of their unusual size very few people have seen them.The people that have seen them descibe them as so: Little duck like creatures without wings. The head is a half of a centimeter wide and a half of a centimeter tall.Ququars have one black eye in the top, middle of their forehead. The nose is a "c" shape and is located just below the eye.The mouth is a straight line just below the nose. Ququars are covered in white fur from their head to their tail. They have been sighted magically carrying their food in baskets. Both horns,which hold their powers, are white and are in the side, middle of their head. They have two feet that resemble anchors and are black.They also have a tail.The tail is three spikes.If you try to touch them they will shock you."I tried to touch it and it shocked me, then I fell back and hit my head on a rock," explains Ima Klutz.Well beware and be careful they're out there!