Tek Kelly Tek is round with a horizontal oval body. He's hairy and is green with a purple stomach. He has elf-like ears. He always smiles to the right side and never shows his teeth. He's a bigger monster than most. He has black eyes. They start out black on the outside and gradually get white toward the middle of his eye. He sways as he walks and he always walks with his hands behind his back. Tek gets into mischief a lot. He always gets caught and when he does, he twiddles his thumbs, talks nice, and stumbles and stutters as he makes an excuse. Instead of saying 'yes,' he says 'yup.' He has bad hearing, so he never really hears what you say correctly. For example, so if you said 'answer the door,' he thinks you said 'Ants on the floor.' He always repeats what he thought you said, but it's never right.