Mr. JC Jennifer and Czarina Our monster's name Mr. J.C. He lives on a cedar tree. He is half octopus and half bear. He likes to eat leaves and drink water. In the summer, he finds berries to eat. He never eats meats, instead he likes to eat fruits and vegetables. He also likes to dance all kinds of dances. He lives all alone on the tree. Our monster is called MR.J.C. To draw him, first draw a red oval for the body. Then draw a small oval in the middle of that and color it white. The size of the small oval is about 2 cm. After you draw the body, draw the legs. He has boots for legs. The colors of the boots are green and they are located at the bottom of the body, in regular leg position. For the hands, draw octopus legs. He has four octopus legs total, with two legs on each side. The size of each leg is about 3 cm. The color of the octopus legs is blue. After you draw the legs, draw the head on top of the body. To draw the head start with a circle the size of one inch. Color it green. To draw the eyes, start with the shape of a diamond. There are three eyes all together and all in a line.