Squary Josh Hi I'm Squary! I am going to tell you how I am drawn and you will try to draw me! My head is a vertical rectangle that is one and three tenths inches tall and three-tenths inches in diameter. It is white and has medium sized circular eyes and nose. I have black, triangular eyebrows and a smile with dimples and fangs on either side of the MOUTH! I also have a triangle on top of my head and the bottom is three-tenths inches and the sides are each one-inch. My body is four inches tall and four-tenths inches wide and there is a medium sized peace sign in the middle of my blue body. My arms are yellow, horizontal rectangles that are each one inch long and half of an inch wide. My legs are yellow, vertical rectangles that are each two and five-eighths inches long and half of an inch wide. My hands are two green, vertical rectangles that are each half of an inch wide and three-tenths inches tall and my feet are two green, horizontal rectangles that are each one and three eighths inches wide and half of an inch tall. I hope that you can draw me!