Twiget Adam C. Twiget The Dream Eater! By Adam C. Let me tell you about this scary looking monster named Twiget. These monster sneaks into your house making you have a bad that feels like you're really in the dream. All the Twigets that are in the world live in deep dark caves in the day and at night they go in your house and give you bad dreams. These monsters eat all the good dreams and give you bad dreams. These monsters eat all the good dreams and give you bad dreams. These scary looking monsters have an oval shaped body with a large circle in the middle of it and the body is brown. The circle in the middle of the body is the mouth. On the upper jaw of the mouth are two large yellow teeth and on the lower jaw is one large yellow tooth. In the inside of the mouth is all black. On top of the brown body are two wide but stubby orange arms, one on the left and the other on the right. On top of each arm is a large eyeball with a black pupil in the center with a yellow iris. In the middle of each side of the body is a long red arm with red crab-like pinchers. On the bottom of the body are two orange feet, one going left and the other going right. When this monster sees another monster, it starts to fight with it and Twiget always wins. If you don't want Twiget's bad dreams, leave a light on in your house.