The Jumping Jolopie Bryan and Evan The Jumping Jolopie lives in the Not Existing Land of the mixed up animals. So if you go to the Not Existing land of mixed up animals you will not exist. I will tell you how they got mixed up. Well one day there was a tornado and it ripped up all the animals. Then they tried to fix each other and well you see how that turned out . If a Mixed up animal touches the ground with two feet it will BLOW UP! So that is why it is called the Jumping Jolopie. How To Draw a Jumping Jolopie ' First you draw one Camel hump. ' Then you draw a graph's neck on the left with a mouse head and big ears and a nose. ' Next you draw elephant's tusks on the left of the head. ' Then you draw monkey arms with fish scals below the neck. ' On top of the hump you draw a tiny wing. ' For the legs you draw kangaroo legs and gorilla feet on the right side of the body and draw a stomach. For the tail you draw a snake's tail. ' Last you draw a fudge bar in one of his hands. ' On the body you draw zebra strips all over the body except for the feet. ' For the eyes you draw human eyes on the left side of the head. ' On the tusks you draw Christmas lights hanging down from them. ' Last you draw the Jumping Jolopie any color you want ' Now you have drawn the Jumping Jolopie!