My Monster Jared My monster has an oval shaped head. He has a shade of brown over his cheeks and mouth. He also has two 3-inch fangs in his mouth and 9 teeth. He has a little bit of green blood dripping from his mouth because he just bit into a turtle's neck yesterday. He has 13-inch centimeter triangular ears. He has 8 pieces of hair coming out of his head. He has a red necklace with a diamond with a circle inside. He is wearing a white shirt with a collar. He is also wearing a black jacket with black pants. He is wearing a red cape that he stole from a different vampire. He also has squiggly arms with sharp claws. My monster likes to play blood ball. He also likes to read books. The first book he ever wrote was called The Tale of the Undead. He also likes kids. He also hates different kinds of animals. The animal that he hates most is the snapping turtle because he sucks their blood.