Devil Pup Jennifer My monster's name is Devil Pup. My monster is a wise guy, but he is sort of crazy whenever he gets a chance to play a prank. Any time he gets a chance he will play a prank. That is how he got his name, because he is like a devil. He also got the name because of how he looks. My monster is also mean because he has no friends. He is mean to almost anybody. He has a light brown face and a light brown body. He is three inches with a big with a smile and also has a red tooth coming out about three-quarters the way down. Devil Pup stands in an upright position, stands on a little bit of a slant, has V-shaped eyebrows above two oval shaped eye. They have fire in them with little black dots. He is smiling and has a red tooth sticking out about three-quarters down directly on the line of the smile. In the back he has a pitchfork tail that is yellow-orange. He also has two horns on the top of his head about ' quarter a part. They are yellow-orange. He has a black oval on his stomach and a black oval as a nose. He also has a black collar with red spikes. He is dark brown on the bottom and his face is light brown.