BIG EARS NIKKI The name of my monster is Big Ears and he is a boy. My monster likes to eat carrots and tomatoes. His hobbies are scaring people and playing hide and seek. My monster's friends look exactly like him except they are different colors. His friends are smaller than him, because he is the biggest of his kind. He is so cool because he plays with me and scares away all of my enemies. My monster has a round blue head about three inches tall and two and a half inches long.On top of his head he has green spikey hair. He has white oval eyes. The oval is going horizontally and they are about one in a half centimeters long and one centimeter tall. There are gray circles about half of a centimeter horizontally and vertically in the center of the white ovals. The mouth is made up of two squiggle lines. They look like two snakes slithering that are crossing paths. His nose looks like a pair of eyeglasses with very long earpieces. There is one ark on each side of his nose that looks like a mustache. His ears are large orange half ovals. Small yellow circles are smack in the middle of them. He has a large square purple body with a blue hexagon right in the middle of it. Big Ears has two dark pink oval arms on each side of its square body and are sticking straight out. He has light blue oval legs sticking straight down. Big Ears has two green hexagon feet sticking right out of the bottom of his legs. Each shape is outline in black. Can you draw my monster?