String Bean Jessie Hi! My name is String Bean. I live in dirty rooms that have not been cleaned in a really long time. If they have rock and roll music, I will definitely be there. You will never see one because I am the only one of my species, and I make sure the coast is clear first. Now I will tell you what I look like. The colors you will need are a light shade of blue, red, purple, yellow, black, green, brown, and orange. 1.I am a big blue triangle with rounded edges and a flat top. 2.I have two red ears, which are on both sides of my body. They look like half-circles. 3.Right under my ears, I have two black side burns on both sides of my body. 4.I have two brown, thin, wavy, long arms going straight out side ways right underneath from my sideburns on both sides of my body. 5.At the end of my arms, I have two purple, raindrop-like fingers. The fat end of the "rain drops", forms the end of my fingers. 6.My legs are basically the same as my arms. The only thing different about my legs is that they don't go sideways. They go down. My toes are the exact same except there are three of them. 7.On the top part of my body, I have a black goatee. 8.I have black, wavy, strands of hair, which are sticking up on the top of my head. 9.On the middle part of my head, I have two eyes that have orange pupils. The rest of my eye is white, except for the green circles around my eyes. 10.Right underneath my eyes, is my yellow nose. It is kind of like an oval shape. 11.Underneath my nose, and right above my goatee, I have a brown mouth. It goes sideways. It is about the same length as my nose. Well, that's what I look like. Have fun drawing me! Now if you'll excuse me, I want to go back home. Bye!