Googlly Four Eyes Kristen My monster's name is Googlly Four Eyes. He goes around to help people if they are hurt. That's why he has a sailboat on his stomach. He makes people laugh. When they laugh the sailboat on his stomach swims around. He carries band aids in his ears just in case somebody gets a cut. His nose carries ice-packs if somebody gets hurt. It is a freezer. FIRST OF ALL HOLD YOUR PAPER THE TALL WAY!!!!! Her head is the shape of a circle. Googlly Four Eyes has four yellow eyes in a vertical straight line with big black pupils. For the nose draw a purple rectangle with a black dot in the middle. It has a yellow zigzag mouth with an orange tongue on the left inside. Her ears are up and down rectangles on the left and right sides of her head. Its body is a red rectangle. Draw a green sailboat in the middle. Draw a yellow thick stripe on top and bottom of the sailboat. She has orange ovals for arms and legs. Put yellow squares for hands and feet. Her best friends are Baby Monster, Suwentheon and Luzenthiea. They are other monsters. Just so you know she came from the town..... Kashavarnishcis (ka-sha-var-nish-kiss)