Star Bag Jacie STAR BAG Class, I would put your color crayon away, and draw with your pencils. When you're finished, then you could color. She has a head where a human head is that is green. Then draw a smile with teeth where a human mouth is. Her teeth are yellow. She has one eye in the middle of the circle that is blue. Her hair is brown. Her hair is where human hair is on top. Her hair is a half circle. She has a neck where a human neck is. That's light blue. Her skirt is where a human's is. It's light pink. Her skirt is where a human wears it. Her shirt is orange. There's a heart in the middle of her orange shirt. Her heart in the middle of her shirt is light pink. She has legs that are green. Under her skirt, she has six legs where human legs are. Her legs are green. She has fingers where human fingers are. Her hands are green. On her left and right hands, put four fingers where human fingers are. Her fingers are green. There you go, there's my monster.