Zoe Emma Zoe is sweet, responsible, and careful. She has asked if you could draw a picture of her. It's kind of hard, so I'm giving you directions. Zoe has a circle for a head. Above her head is a halo. She has one big, blue eye in the center of her head. She has two circles for cheeks, and a smile where human cheeks and a smile would go. She has a yellow dress with long sleeves. She has hands where human hands would go, and the hands (each hand) have four fingers. On each finger there's a fingernail. For legs, she has two halves of ovals and no feet. On the top of her head there's two curly hairs. One's on the northwestern part of her head, the other is on the northeastern part of her head. They're vertical. Her halo and dress are yellow. Her smile and fingernails are red. Color her cheeks pink and her eye blue, her curly hairs orange. She's saying, "He, He!"