Smoke Jacob First draw a peeled potato about the size of a bucket. Put a belly button about the size of a bottle cap inside of the body. On the left side color that side orange. Color the right side plaid. Then draw two wings on both of the sides but on top of the potato. Color them blue. Then draw two hands light brown on the sides of the potato. Then the tips blue. Next draw the tips blue. Next draw two legs about the size of a sticky note attached to the body. Color that part black. Then draw three toes on each side and attach to the feet. Color that green. Then draw the head. Color the head blue. Then draw two eyes and color those green. Next draw three curly lines. Then draw a semi-circle for its head and color that blue. Then draw two green eyes. Next draw one nose and color that red. Then draw a backwards check mark for its mouth. Make that black. Then draw two ears and color them blue. Then draw smoke coming out of the ears. Color that violet.