Andy's monster Andy My monster is not a monster. It is mixed with half-man and half monster. His hair is yellow. He has a triange for eyes. He has small eye balls. He has an oval nose. It is brown. He has a rectangle head, but it is facing up. A triange mouth, but the pointy part is facing west. He has three teeth on the bottom, and three teeth on top. He has a green shirt. His sleeves are cut wrong. He has brown hands that are muscular. On top of his left hand is another small hand and it is muscular too. He does not have fingers, but a hammer. The other hand has a bat, but it is a special bat. It is fat on top and the bat is blue. It has hands. It has green and black teeth. His hand has a hook on it, no fingers and muscular. On top of his right hand is another hand. It is small and muscular with three fingers. He has a six pack. Not the kind of six pack of coke. He has black pants, blue shoes and he is riding a skateboard. The skateboard is green and the wheels are orange. The skateboard has a circle in front. It has a light blue ball with spikes. The skateboard has two tubes sticking out of the back of the skateboard and into his arms to make him stronger.