Stone Eduardo R. My monster name is Stone. He is big and muscular, and is half human-like and the other half mutan-like. he desn't wear anything just rip shorts with a belt. Stone has stuff to protect him like two claws, one in each hand [they are medium size]. He has a headband insted of eyes. He has a triangle shape but going down and the tips make them a little round. His eyes are made of lasers [that's why he has them covered]. His hands have no fingers and they are circular but the circles aren't closed, the upper part is a little open. Stone has horse like feet and on each foot has three fingers [just do two lines like half circles]. Stone has long hair to the bottom of his shoulder. The hair is like protecting his shoulders and when it gets to the bottom it goes up but curves. Stone doesn't have ears but he has a good sense of smell. If you could color the hair black and the top parts of the claws. The feet are brown. The tips of the claws and the monster is white. I almost forgot the head shape is like a round heart.