Mr. Weirdo John Henry R. Let me tell you about my monster named Mr.Weirdo. He may not have wings but he can fly. He is very hilarious because he can make up jokes. He goes to his spring and summer home in the clouds. It is nice and warm. Luckily his cloud does not let in too much sun as he could easily melt. Mr.Weirdo moves to his desert home in the autumn and winter he lives in a cave when he is in the desert. Mr.Weirdo is half-purple and half yellow. On the left he is purple and on the right he is yellow. Mr.Weirdo has a purple right ear with yellow at the tip. The left ear has purple at the tip and yellow at the bottom. Mr.Weirdo has a purple spike on the right and a yellow spike on the left. Both spikes are in-between the ears. Mr.Weirdo has a big open mouth with ten little yellow teeth inside. His throat is purple he has a tongue sticking out. It has purple and green slime on it. His left foot is yellow and his right is purple. The back of the eyes are yellow on both eyes the cornea is green. In the middle of the right eye it is yellow and in the middle of the left eye it is purple. Mr.Weirdo is very nice because he likes to give presents to people and he love to play with kids. If you see Mr.Weirdo the monster on the street be sure to say hello because he is a great monster and not scary at all.